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Junior Livestock Show




In addition to the General Rules, Exhibitors of market lambs must also comply with the following division specific rules:


  1. Exhibitors are limited to five (5) entries.

  2. Both ewes and wethers are eligible to show and will show together by assigned weight class.

  3. The minimum weight limit is 60 pounds for Southdown lambs and 80 pounds for all other breeds. There is no maximum weight limit.

  4. Classification will be at the Superintendent’s discretion. When classification decisions are rendered, they will be pursuant to the Texas Club Lamb Association (TCLA) classifying regulations for TCLA sanctioned livestock shows. If a lamb classes out, it will show with the Medium wool breeds.

  5. Wool must be slick shorn within two (2) weeks of the livestock show.

  6. No artificial coloring is permitted.

  7. Exhibitors are responsible for the weighing of their own animals and weight cards are due to the lamb Superintendent no later than 6:00 p.m. on Friday.

  8. Lambs will be assigned to classes as equally as possible by weight within breed divisions.

  9. The breed divisions and show order will be Fine wool, followed by Fine wool cross, followed by Southdown, followed by Dorper, followed by Medium wool.

  10. At the Superintendent’s discretion, the top two (2) placing lambs per class are subject to weigh back with a tolerance not to exceed 5 pounds of the weight claimed on the weight card.

  11. The lamb show will follow the goat show on Saturday morning.



Junior Livestock Show

1500 S. Hall Avenue

 Littlefield, TX 79339


For live updates about the show,

visit our Facebook page.

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