Junior Livestock Show

In addition to the General Rules, Exhibitors of market swine must also comply with the following division specific rules:
Exhibitors are limited to three (3) entries.
Both barrows and gilts are eligible to show and will show together by assigned weight class.
There are no minimum or maximum weight limits.
Classification will be at the Superintendent’s discretion. If a pig classes out, it will show with the Cross breed division.
Only water may be used for grooming for exhibition in the show.
Exhibitors are responsible for the weighing of their own animals and weight cards are due to the swine superintendent no later than 6:00 p.m. on Friday.
Pigs will be assigned to classes as equally as possible by weight within breed divisions. Pigs will be classed into light- and heavy-weight classes. Class numbers will capped at 25 head. Middle-weight classes will be used when class sizes exceed the 25 head maximum.
The breed divisions and show order will be Berkshire, followed by Chester White, followed by Duroc, followed by Hampshire, followed by Poland and Spotted Poland China, followed by Yorkshire, followed by Cross-breeds. A minimum of three (3) head are required to make a breed division. When two (2) or less of a listed breed are present, they will be placed into another breed division at the discretion of the swine Superintendent.
At the swine Superintendent’s discretion, the top two (2) placing pigs per class are subject to weigh back with a tolerance not to exceed 10 pounds of the weight claimed on the weight card.
The swine show will follow the lamb show on Saturday.